Community Medicine


Name of the department: Department of Community Medicine

  1. Department of Community Medicine deals with the study of Epidemiology in Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases including Environment, Sanitation and Hygiene. 
  2. This subject has major contribution to preventive and control measures of diseases. 
  3. The study shall start in third BHMS and complete in fourth BHMS. Examinations shall be conducted at the end of fourth BHMS.

Aim: At the end of course students shall able to

    • Organize elementary epidemiological studies to assess the health problems in the area.
    • Prioritize the most important problems and help formulate a plan of action to manage them under National Health Programme Guidelines including Population Control and Family Welfare Programme.
    • Demonstrate the knowledge of Principles of Organizing Prevention and Control of Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases.
    • Organize health care service for special groups like mother, infants, under five children and school children, handicapped, adolescents, geriatric, rural tribal and urban slum dwellers.
    • Organize Health Care in case of calamities.
    • Plan and Implement Health Education Programmes.
    • Set National priorities and the goal to be achieved to implement Primary Health Care including Health for All.

At the end of the Community Medicine course the student shall be able to

  • Recognize a community health problem and apply the clinical skills and manage the problem using homeopathic principles.
  • Identify determinants of health and disease, and use the knowledge for prevention, control of diseases and promote good health in the community.
  • Identify, prioritize, manage and report diseases of public health importance at the appropriate levels.
  • Outline the process of epidemics / outbreak investigation and manage them with homeopathic approach.
  •  Participate in screening of diseases at individual and community level.
  • Promote community participation for disease prevention and control; promotion of health and implement national health programmes.
  • Factor in epidemiological principles while conducting studies /research; collect, collate, analyze and report public health problems.

Faculty Details

Full Time Faculty

Dr. Vijayakumar S. Sankeshwari

Date of joining: 11-11-2024 EXPERIENCE : 27 years
DATE OF BIRTH :21-08-1964
REG NO. : A-5433

Dr. Akhila Hullur

Date of joining: 16/04/2024
EXPERIENCE : 8 years 9 months
DATE OF BIRTH : 20-07-1974
REG NO. : A-6240

Dr. Sunil S. Bhosale

DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
Date of joining: 08/10/2022
EXPERIENCE : 2 years
DATE OF BIRTH : 23-01-1979
REG NO. : A-8398

Guest Faculty

Dr. Umesh Ramdurg

DESIGNATION : Associate Professor / Guest Faculty

Dr. Manjula R.

DESIGNATION : Professor/Guest Faculty